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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Policing in America A Balance of Forces 4th Edition by Travis. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Policing in America A Balance of Forces
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Travis, Langworthy

Table of content

1. Understanding the Police.
2. The Early History of Policing.
3. The English Roots of American Policing.
4. The Evolution of Policing in America.
5. Federal and State Police.
6. Private and Special-Purpose Police.
7. Municipal and Local Police.
8. Police Organizations.
9. Individuals in Policing: Officers and Supervisors.
10. Police Officers.
11. Police and Community.
12. Law Enforcement and the Police.
13. Service and the Police.
14. Order and the Police.
15. Community Policing: Tying It All Together.
16. Controlling the Police.
17. Current Trends and Future Issues in Policing.

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