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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Introduction to Criminology 2nd Edition by Walsh. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Introduction to Criminology
EDITION: 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Walsh, Hemmens

Table of content

Section I. Introduction and Overview of Crime and Criminology
Section II. Measuring Crime and Criminal Behavior
Section III. Victimology: Exploring the Experience of Victimization
Section IV. The Early Schools of Criminology and Modern Counterparts
Section V. Social Structural Theories
Section VI. Social Process Theories
Section VII. Critical Theories: Marxist, Conflict, and Feminist
Section VIII. Psychosocial Theories: Individual Traits and Criminal Behavior
Section IX. Biosocial Approaches
Section X. Developmental Theories: From Delinquency to Crime to Desistance
Section XI. Violent Crimes
Section XII. Multiple Murder and Terrorism
Section XIII. Property Crime
Section XIV. Public Order Crime
Section XV. White-Collar and Organized Crime

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