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Complete downloadable Test Bank for The Geography of North America Environment Culture Economy 2nd Edition by Hardwick. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: The Geography of North America Environment Culture Economy
EDITION: 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Hardwick, Shelley, Holtgrieve

Table of content

1. Introduction
2. North America’s Environmental Setting
3. Historical Settlement of North America
4. North American Political Economy
5. The Atlantic Periphery
6. Quebec
7. Megalopolis
8. The Great Lakes and Corn Belt
9. The Inland South
10. The Coastal South
11. The Great Plains
12. The Rocky Mountains
13. Intermontane West
14. MexAmerica
15. California
16. The Pacific Northwest
17. Hawai’i and the Pacific Islands
18. The Far North
19. The Future of North America

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