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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Microeconomics Principles Applications & Tools 6th Edition by Osullivan. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Microeconomics Principles Applications & Tools
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Osullivan, Sheffrin, Perez

Table of content

Ch 1: Introduction: What is Economics?
Ch 2: Key Principles of Economics
Ch 3: Exchange and Markets
Ch 4: Demand, Supply, and Market Equilibrium
Ch 5: Elasticity: A Measure of Responsiveness
Ch 6: Market Efficiency and Government Intervention
Ch 7: Consumer Choice Using Utility Theory
Ch 8: Production Technology and Cost
Ch 9: Perfect Competition
Ch 10: Monopoly and Price Discrimination
Ch 11: Market Entry and Monopolistic Competition
Ch 12: Oligopoly and Strategic Behavior
Ch 13: Controlling Market Power
Part 4: Externalities and Information
Ch 14: Imperfect Information
Ch 15: Public Goods and Public Choice
Ch 16: External Costs and Environmental Policy
Ch 17: The Labor Market, Income, and Poverty
Ch 18: Unions, Monopsony, and Imperfect Information
Ch 19: International Trade and Public Policy

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