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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Leadership in Organizations 7th Edition by Gary Yuk. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Leadership in Organizations
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Gary Yuk

Table of content

1. Introduction: The Nature of Leadership
2. The Nature of Managerial Work
3. Perspectives on Effective Leadership Behavior
4. Participative Leadership, Delegation, and Empowerment
5. Dyadic Relations, Attributions, and Followership
6. Power and Influence
7. Managerial Traits and Skills
8. Early Contingency Theories of Effective Leadership
9. Charismatic and Transformational Leadership
10. Leading Change in Organizations
11. Leadership in Teams and Decision Groups
12. Strategic Leadership by Top Executives
13. Ethical, Servant, Spiritual, and Authentic Leadership
14. Gender, Diversity, and Cross-cultural Leadership
15. Developing Leadership Skills
16. Overview and Integration

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