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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Internet & World Wide Web How to Program 4th Edition by Deitel. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Internet & World Wide Web How to Program
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Deitel, Deitel
Table of content
1. Introduction to Computers and the Internet
2. Web Browser Basics: Internet Explorer and Firefox 28
3. Dive Into®Web 2.0
4. Introduction to XHTML
5. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
6. JavaScript: Introduction to Scripting
7. JavaScript: Control Statements I
8. JavaScript: Control Statements II
9. JavaScript: Functions
10. JavaScript: Arrays
11. JavaScript: Objects
12. Document Object Model (DOM): Objects and Collections
13. JavaScript: Events
14. XML and RSS
15. Ajax-Enabled Rich Internet Applications
16. Adobe® Flash® CS3
17. Adobe® Flash® CS3: Building an Interactive Game
18. Adobe® Flex 2 and Rich Internet Applications
19. Microsoft® Silverlight and Rich Internet Applications
20. Adobe® Dreamweaver® CS3
21. Web Servers (IIS and Apache)
22. Database: SQL, MySQL, ADO.NET 2.0 and Java DB
23. PHP
24. Ruby on Rails
25. ASP.NET 2.0 and ASP.NET Ajax
26. JavaServer FacesWeb Applications
27. Ajax-Enabled JavaServer Faces
28. Web Services Appendices