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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application 12th Edition by Nicholson. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Intermediate Microeconomics and Its Application
EDITION: 12th Edition
AUTHOR: Nicholson, Snyder
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Economic Models.
2. Utility and Choice.
3. Demand Curves.
4. Uncertainty.
5. Game Theory.
6. Production.
7. Costs.
8. Profit Maximization and Supply.
9. Perfect Competition in a Single Market.
10. General Equilibrium and Welfare.
11. Monopoly.
12. Imperfect Competition.
13. Pricing in Input Markets.
14. Capital and Time.
15. Asymmetric Information.
16. Externalities and Public Goods.
17. Behavioral Economics. Appendices

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