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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Computer Concepts BASICS 4th Edition by Dolores. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Computer Concepts BASICS
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Dolores, Wells
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Understanding Computers and Computer Literacy.
2. The Internet and the World Wide Web.
3. The Internet and Research.
4. How a Computer Processes Data.
5. Input, Output, and Storage.
6. Operating Systems and Software.
7. Networks.
8. Windows and File Management
9. Email and Electronic Communication.
10. Word Processing.
11. Presentation Graphics.
12. Spreadsheets.
13. Databases.
14. Integration Feature.
15. Evaluating Electronic Information.
16. Creating a Web Page.
17. Technology, the Workplace, and Society. Appendices

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