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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Biopsychology 8th Edition by Pinel. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Biopsychology
EDITION: 8th Edition
Table of content
Chapter 1: Biopsychology as a Neuroscience: What Is Biopsychology, Anyway?
Chapter 2: Evolution, Genetics, and Experience: Thinking about the Biology of Behavior
Chapter 3: Anatomy of the Nervous System: Systems, Structures, and Cells That Make Up Your Nervous System
Chapter 4: Neural Conduction and Synaptic Transmission: How Neurons Send and Receive Signals
Chapter 5: The Research Methods of Biopsychology: Understanding What Biopsychologists Do
Chapter 6: The Visual System: How We See
Chapter 7: Mechanisms of Perception: Hearing, Touch, Smell, Taste, and Attention: How You Know the World
Chapter 8: The Sensorimotor System: How You Move
Chapter 9: Development of the Nervous System: From Fertilized Egg to You
Chapter 10: Brain Damage and Neuroplasticity: Can the Brain Recover from Damage?
Chapter 11: Learning, Memory, and Amnesia: How Your Brain Stores Information
Chapter 12: Hunger, Eating, and Health: Why Do Many People Eat Too Much?
Chapter 13: Hormones and Sex: Whats Wrong with the Mamawawa?
Chapter 14: Sleep, Dreaming, and Circadian Rhythms: How Much Do You Need to Sleep?
Chapter 15: Drug Addiction and the Brains Reward Circuits: Chemicals That Harm with Pleasure
Chapter 16: Lateralization, Language, and the Split Brain: The Left Brain and the Right Brain of Language
Chapter 17: Biopsychology of Emotion, Stress, and Health: Fear, the Dark Side of Emotion
Chapter 18: Biopsychology of Psychiatric Disorders: The Brain Unhinged