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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for The American People Creating a Nation and a Society Concise Edition Volume 2 7th Edition by Nash. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: The American People Creating a Nation and a Society Concise Edition Volume 2
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Nash, Jeffrey, Howe, Frederick, Davis, Winkler, Mires, Pestana

Table of content

1 Ancient America and Africa
2 Europeans and Africans Reach the Americas
3 Colonizing a Continent in the Seventeenth Century
4 The Maturing of Colonial Society
5 Bursting the Bonds of Empire
6 A People in Revolution
7 Consolidating the Revolution
8 Currents of Change in the Northeast and the Old Northwest
9 Slavery and the Old South
10 Shaping America in the Antebellum Age
11 Moving West
12 The Union in Peril
13 The Union Severed
14 The Union Reconstructed
14 The Union Restructured
15 The Realities of Rural America
16 The Rise of Smokestack America
17 The New Metropolis
18 Becoming a World Power
19 The Progressives Confront Industrial Capitalism
20 The Great War
21 Affluence and Anxiety
22 The Great Depression and the New Deal
23 World War II
24 Chills and Fever During the Cold War, 1945-1960
25 Postwar America at Home, 1945-1960
26 Reform and Rebellion in the Turbulent Sixties, 1960-1969
27 Disorder and Discontent, 1969-1980
28 Conservatism and a Shift in Course, 1980-2010

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