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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Quantum Mechanics An Accessible Introduction 1st Edition by Scherrer. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Quantum Mechanics An Accessible Introduction
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Scherrer

Table of content

1. The Origins of Quantum Mechanics
2. Math Interlude A: Complex Numbers and Linear Operators
3. The Schrödinger Equation
4. One-Dimensional Time-Independent
5. Math Interlude B: Linear Algebra
6. The Three-Dimensional Time-Independent
7. Math Interlude C: Matrices, Dirac Notation, and the Dirac Delta Function
8. Spin Angular Momentum
9. Time-Independent Perturbation Theory
10. The Variational Principle
11. Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory
12. Scattering Theory
13. The Multiparticle Schrödinger Equation
14. Some Modern Applications of Quantum Mechanics
15. What Comes Next? Relativistic Quantum Mechanics

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