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Complete downloadable Solutions Manual for Modern Algebra An Introduction 6th Edition by Durbin. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Modern Algebra An Introduction
RESOURCE:Solutions Manual
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Durbin
PUBLISHER: John Wiley and Sons
Table of content
1 Mappings
2 Composition
4 Composition as an Operation
5 Definition and Examples
6 Permutations
7 Subgroups
8 Groups and Symmetry
9 Equivalence Relations
10 Congruence. The Division Algorithm
11 Integers Modulo n
12 Greatest Common Divisors. The Euclidean Algorithm
13 Factorization. Euler’s Phi-Function
14 Elementary Properties
15 Generators. Direct Products
16 Cosets
17 Lagrange’s Theorem. Cyclic Groups
18 Isomorphism
19 More on Isomorphism
20 Cayley’s Theorem
21 Homomorphisms of Groups. Kernels
22 Quotient Groups
23 The Fundamental Homomorphism Theorm
24 Definition and Examples
25 Integral Domains. Subrings
26 Fields
27 Isomorphism. Characteristic
28 Ordered Integral Domains
29 The Integers
30 Field of Quotients. The Field of Rational Numbers
31 Ordered Fields. The Field of Real Numbers
32 The Field of Complex Numbers
33 Complex Roots of Unity
34 Definition and Elementary Properties
35 The Division Algorithm
36 Factorization of Polynomials
37 Unique Factorization Domains
38 Homomorphisms of Rings. Ideals
39 Quotient Rings
40 Quotient Rings of F[X]
41 Factorization and Ideals
42 Simple Extensions. Degree
43 Roots of Polynomials
44 Fundamental Theorem: Introduction
45 Galois Groups
46 Splitting Fields. Galois Groups
47 Separability and Normality
48 Fundamental Theorem of Galois Theory
49 Solvability by Radicals
50 Finite Fields
51 Three Famous Problems
52 Constructible Numbers
53 Impossible Constructions
54 Isomorphis Theorems. Solvable Groups
55 Alternation Groups
56 Groups Acting on Sets
57 Burnside’s Counting Theorem
58 Sylow’s Theorem
59 Finite Symmetry Groups
60 Infinite Two-dimensional Symmetry Groups
61 On Crystallographic Groups
62 The Euclidean Group
63 Partially Ordered Sets
64 Lattices
65 Boolean Algebras
66 Finite Boolean Algebras