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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Taxation for Decision Makers 2011 Edition 1st Edition by Dennis-Escoffier. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Taxation for Decision Makers 2011 Edition
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Dennis-Escoffier, Fortin
PUBLISHER: John Wiley and Sons

Table of content

Chapter 1: An Introduction to Taxation
Chapter 2: The Tax Practice Environment
Chapter 3: Determining Gross Income
Chapter 4: Employee Compensation
Chapter 5: Business Expenses
Chapter 6: Property Acquisitions and Cost Recovery Deductions
Chapter 7: Property Dispositions
Chapter 8: Tax-Deferred exchanges
Chapter 9: Taxation of Corporations
Chapter 10: Sole Proprietorships and Flow-Through Entities
Chapter 11: Income Taxation of Individuals
Chapter 12: Wealth Transfer Taxes Appendices

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