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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business Economics and the Life and Social Sciences 13th Edition by Haeussler. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Introductory Mathematical Analysis for Business Economics and the Life and Social Sciences
EDITION: 13th Edition
AUTHOR: Haeussler, Paul, Wood

Table of content

1. Applications and More Algebra
2. Functions and Graphs
3. Lines, Parabolas, and Systems
4. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
5. Mathematics of Finance
6. Matrix Algebra
7. Linear Programming
8. Introduction to Probability and Statistics
9. Additional Topics in Probability
10. Limits and Continuity
11. Differentiation
12. Additional Differentiation Topics
13. Curve Sketching
14. Integration
15. Methods and Applications of Integration
16. Continuous Random Variables
17. Multivariable Calculus

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