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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Trusted Criminals White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society 4th Edition by Friedrichs. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Trusted Criminals White Collar Crime In Contemporary Society
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Friedrichs
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. The Discovery of White Collar Crime.
2. Studying White Collar Crime and Assessing its Costs.
3. Corporate Crime.
4. Occupational Crime and Avocational Crime.
5. Governmental Crime: State Crime and Political White Collar Crime.
6. State Corporate Crime, Crimes of Globalization, and Finance Crime.
7. Enterprise Crime, Contrepreneurial Crime and Technocrime.
8. Explaining White Collar Crime: Theories and Accounts.
9. Law and the Social Control of White Collar Crime.
10. Policing and Regulating White Collar Crime.
11. Prosecuting, Defending, and Adjudicating White Collar Crime.
12. Responding to the Challenge of White Collar Crime. Appendices.

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