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Complete downloadable Test Bank for The Legal Environment of Business 7th Edition by Kubasek. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: The Legal Environment of Business
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Kubasek, Brennan, Browne

Table of content

1. Critical Thinking and Legal Reasoning
2. Introduction to Law and the Legal Environment of Business
3. The American Legal System
4. Alternative Tools of Dispute Resolution
5. Constitutional Principles
6. White-Collar Crime and the Business Community
7. Ethics, Social Responsibility, and the Business Manager
8. The International Legal Environment of Business
9.The Law of Contracts and Sales—I
10.The Law of Contracts and Sales—II
11. The Law of Torts
12. Product and Service Liability Law
13. Law of Property: Real and Personal
14. Intellectual Property
15. Agency Law
16. Law and Business Associations—I
17. Law and Business Associations—II
18.The Law of Administrative Agencies
19. The Employment Relationship
20. Laws Governing Labor–Management Relations
21. Employment Discrimination
22. Environmental Law
23. Rules Governing the Issuance and Trading of Securities
24. Antitrust Laws
25. Laws of Debtor–Creditor Relations and Consumer Protection Appendixes

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