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Complete downloadable Test Bank for The Earth and Its Peoples A Global History Volume II 5th Edition by Bulliet. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: The Earth and Its Peoples A Global History Volume II
EDITION: 5th Edition
AUTHOR: Bulliet, Crossley, Headrick, Hirsch, Johnson, Northrup
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

?16. The Maritime Revolution, to 1550. ?
?17. Transformations in Europe, 1500?1750. Culture and Ideas. ?
?18. The Diversity of American Colonial Societies, 1530?1770.?
?19. The Atlantic System and Africa, 1550?1800. ?
? 20. Southwest Asia and the Indian Ocean, 1500?1750.?
?21. Northern Eurasia, 1500?1800. Japanese Reunification.?
?22. Revolutionary Changes in the Atlantic World, 1750?1850 Prelude to Revolution: ?The Eighteenth-Century Crisis.?
?23. The Early Industrial Revolution, 1760?1851. ?
?24. Nation Building and Economic Transformation in the Americas, 1800?1890.?
?25 Land Empires in the Age of Imperialism, 1800?1870.?
?26. Africa, India, and the New British Empire, 1750?1870. Changes and Exchanges in ?Africa. ?
?27. The New Power Balance, 1850?1900. New Technologies and the World ?Economy. ?
28. The New Imperialism, 1869?1914. The New Imperialism: Motives and Methods.?

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