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Complete downloadable Test Bank for The Art of Public Speaking 12th Edition by Stephen Lucas. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: The Art of Public Speaking
EDITION: 12th Edition
AUTHOR: Stephen Lucas
PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill Higher Education

Table of content

1. Speaking in Public
2. Ethics and Public Speaking
3. Listening
4. Giving Your First Speech
5. Selecting a Topic and a Purpose
6. Analyzing the Audience
7. Gathering Materials
8. Supporting your Ideas
9. Organizing the Body of the Speech
10. Beginning and Ending the Speech
11. Outlining the Speech
12. Using Language
13. Delivery
14. Using Visual Aids
15. Speaking to Inform
16. Speaking to Persuade
17. Methods of Persuasion
18. Speaking on Special Occasions
19. Speaking in Small Groups Appendixes

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