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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Sensation and Perception 8th Edition by Goldstein. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Sensation and Perception
EDITION: 8th Edition
AUTHOR: Goldstein
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Introduction to Perception.
2. Introduction to the Physiology of Perception.
3. Introduction to Vision.
4. The Visual Cortex and Beyond.
5. Perceiving Objects and Scenes.
6. Visual Attention.
7. Taking Action.
8. Perceiving Motion.
9. Perceiving Color.
10. Perceiving Depth and Size,
11. Sound, the Auditory System, and Pitch Perception.
12. Sound Localization and the Auditory Scene.
13. Speech Perception.
14. The Cutaneous Senses.
15. The Chemical Senses.
16. Perceptual Development.

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