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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Public Speaking An Audience-Centered Approach 7th Edition by Beebe. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Public Speaking An Audience-Centered Approach
EDITION: 7th Edition

Table of content

1. Speaking with Confidence.
2. Previewing the Audience-Centered Speechmaking Process.
3. Speaking Ethically and Freely.
4. Listening to Speeches.
5. Analyzing Your Audience
6. Developing Your Speech.
7. Gathering Supporting Material.
8. Integrating Supporting Material.
9. Organizing Your Speech.
10. Introducing and Concluding Your Speech.
11. Outlining and Editing Your Speech.
12. Using Words Well: Speaker Language and Style.
13. Delivering Your Speech.
14. Using Presentation Aids.
15. Speaking to Inform.
16. Understanding Principles of Persuasion.
17. Using Persuasive Strategies.
18. Speaking on Special Occasions. Appendices

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