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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Psychology Modules for Active Learning 12th Edition by Coon. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Psychology Modules for Active Learning
EDITION: 12th Edition
AUTHOR: Coon, Mitterer
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Discovering Psychology and Research Methods.
2. Brain and Behavior.
3. Human Development.
4. Sensation and Perception.
5. States of Consciousness.
6. Conditioning and Learning.
7. Memory.
8. Cognition, Language, Creativity, and Intelligence.
9. Motivation and Emotion.
10. Sex, Gender, and Sexuality.
11. Personality.
12. Health, Stress, and Coping.
13. Psychological Disorders.
14. Therapies.
15. Social Behavior.
16. Applied Psychology. Appendix.

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