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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Politics in a Changing World 5th Edition by Ethridge. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Politics in a Changing World
EDITION: 5th Edition
AUTHOR: Ethridge, Handelman
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Politics, Government, and Political Science.
2. Ideologies: Images of Political Life.
3. Political Culture and Socialization.
4. Public Opinion and Elections.
5. Political Parties.
6. Interest Groups.
7. Legislative Institutions.
8. Executive Institutions and Leadership.
9. Judicial Institutions.
10. Bureaucratic Institutions.
11. U.S. Government: The Dilemmas of Democracy.
12. Great Britain: A Traditional Democracy.
13. Russia: The Struggle for Democracy.
14. China: Searching for a New Vision.
15. The Politics of Developing Nations.
16. Mexico: Balancing Stability and Democracy.
17. Approaches to International Relations.
18. A Changing World Order.
19. Political Prospects and Challenges at the Beginning of the Twenty-First Century.

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