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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Police Supervision and Management 3rd Edition by Peak. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Police Supervision and Management
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Peak, Gaines, Glensor
Table of content
1. The Dynamics of Police Organizations
2. Role and Responsibilities
3. Leadership and Motivation within the Police Organization
4. Community Policing and Problem Solving
5. Communication and Negotiation
6. Training, Education, and Professional Development
7. Evaluation Methods and Performance Appraisal
8. Stress, Wellness, and Employee Assistance Programs
9. Ethics, Inappropriate Behaviors, and Liability
10. Officers Rights and Discipline
11. Unions and Labor Relations
12. Deploying and Scheduling Personnel
13. Managing and Supervising Police Operations
14. On Patrol: Responses to Difficult Crime Problems
15. Disasters and Critical Incidents
16. Homeland Security and Future Crime Related Issues Appendices