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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Organizational Behavior An Experiential Approach 8th Edition by Osland. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Organizational Behavior An Experiential Approach
EDITION: 8th Edition
AUTHOR: Osland, Kolb, Rubin, Turner

Table of content

1. Psychological Contract & Commitment
2. Theories of Managing People
3. Individual and Organizational Learning
4. Decoding Behavior
5. Enhancing Motivation
6. Values and Ethics
7. Career Development and Work Stress
8. Interpersonal Communication
9. Perception and attribution
10. Group Dynamics and Work Teams
11. Problem Solving
12. Creativity
13. Conflict and Negotiation
14. Managing Diversity
15. Leadership
16. Organizational Culture
17. Decision Making
18. Power and Influence
19. Empowerment and Coaching
20. Performance Management
21. Organization Design
22. Managing Change

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