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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists Engineers and Managers 7th Edition by Goetsch. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Occupational Safety and Health for Technologists Engineers and Managers
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Goetsch
Table of content
1. Safety and Health Movement, Then and Now.
2. Accidents and Their Effects.
3. Theories of Accident Causation.
4. The OSHA Act, Standards, and Liability.
5. Workers’ Compensation.
6. Ergonomic Hazards: Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) and Cumulative Trauma Disorders (CTDs).
7. Stress and Safety.
8. Mechanical Hazards and Machine Safeguarding.
9. Falling, Impact, Acceleration, Lifting, and Vision Hazards.
10. Hazards of Temperature Extremes.
11. Pressure Hazards.
12. Electrical Hazards.
13. Fire Hazards and Life Safety.
14. Industrial Hygiene: Toxic Substances and Confined Spaces.
15. Radiation Hazards.
16. Noise and Vibration Hazards.
17. Preparing for Emergencies.
18. Safety Analysis and Prevention.
19. Accident Investigation and Reporting.
20. Promoting Safety.
21. Safety and Health Training.
22. Computers, Automation, and Robots.
23. Ethics and Safety.
24. Bloodborne Pathogens in the Workplace.
25. Environmental Safety and ISO 14000 (Environmental Management).
26. Product Safety and Liability.
27. Roles and Professional Certifications for Safety and Health Personnel.
28. TSM: Safety Management in a TQM Setting.
29. Safety, Health, and Competition in the Global Marketplace.
30. Violence in the Workplace.