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Complete downloadable Test Bank for New Perspectives on HTML XHTML and Dynamic HTML Comprehensive 4th Edition by Patrick Carey. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: New Perspectives on HTML XHTML and Dynamic HTML Comprehensive
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Patrick Carey
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Developing a Web Page.
2. Developing a Web Site.
3. Working with Cascading Style Sheets.
4. Creating Special Effects with CSS.
5. Working with Web Tables.
6. Working with Web Forms.
7. Working with Multimedia.
8. Designing a Web Site with Frames.
9. Working with HTML.
10. Programming with Javascript.
11. Working with Operators and Expressions.
12. Working with Arrays, Loops, and Conditional Statements.
13. Introducing the Document Object Model.
14. Working with the Event Model.
15. Working with Windows and Frames.
16. Validating Web Forms.

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