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Complete downloadable Test Bank for New American Democracy The Alternate Edition 6th Edition by Fiorina. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: New American Democracy The Alternate Edition
EDITION: 6th Edition
AUTHOR: Fiorina, Peterson, Johnson, Mayer

Table of content

1. Democracy in the United States.
2. Establishing a Constitutional Democracy.
3. Federalism: Division of Power Among National, State, and Local Governments.
4. American Political Culture.
5. Public Opinion.
6. Individual Participation.
7. Interest-Group Participation in American Democracy.
8. Political Parties.
9. The Media.
10. Electing the President.
11. Choosing the Congress.
12. The Congress and Its Work.
13. The Presidency: Powers and Practice.
14. The Bureaucracy.
15. The Courts.
16. Civil Liberties.
17. Civil Rights. APPENDICES.

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