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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Multinational Management 5th Edition by Cullen. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Multinational Management
EDITION: 5th Edition
AUTHOR: Cullen, Parboteeah
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Multinational Management in a Changing World.
2. Culture and Multinational Management.
3. The Institutional Context of Multinational Management.
4. Managing Ethical and Social Responsibility Challenges in Multinational Companies.
5. Strategic Management in the Multinational Company: Content and Formulation.
6. Multinational and Participation Strategies: Content and Formulation.
7. Small Businesses and International Entrepreneurship: Overcoming Barriers and Finding Opportunities.
8. Organizational Design.
9. International Strategic Alliances: Management and Design.
10. Multinational e-Commerce: Strategies and Structures.
11. International Human Resources Management.
12. HRM in the Local Context: Knowing When and How to Adapt.
13. International Negotiation and Cross-Cultural Communication.
14. Motivation in Multinational Companies.
15. Leadership and Management Behaviors in

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