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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Microeconomics Theory and Applications with Calculus 3rd Edition by Perloff. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Microeconomics Theory and Applications with Calculus
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Perloff

Table of content

1. Introduction
2. Supply and Demand
3. A Consumer’s Constrained Choice
4. Demand
5. Consumer Welfare and Policy Analysis
6. Firms and Production
7. Costs
8. Competitive Firms and Markets
9. Properties and Applications of the Competitive Model
10. General Equilibrium and Economic Welfare
11. Monopoly
12. Pricing and Advertising
13. Game Theory
14. Oligopoly and Monopolistic Competition
15. Factor Markets
16. Uncertainty
17. Externalities, Open Access, and Public Goods
18. Asymmetric Information
19. Contracts and Moral Hazards

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