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TITLE: Microeconomics An Intuitive Approach
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Thomas Nechyba
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

Chapter 1: Introduction.
Chapter 2: A Consumer’s Economic Circumstances.
Chapter 3: Economic Circumstances in Labor and Financial Markets.
Chapter 4: Tastes and Indifference Curves.
Chapter 5: Different Types of Tastes.
Chapter 6: Doing the “Best” We Can.
Chapter 7: Income and Substitution Effects in Consumer Goods Markets.
Chapter 8: Wealth and Substitution Effects in Labor and Capital Markets.
Chapter 9: Demand for Goods and Supply of Labor and Capital.
Chapter 10: Consumer Surplus and Deadweight Loss.
Chapter 11: One Input and One Output: A Short-Run Producer Model.
Chapter 12: Production with Multiple Inputs.
Chapter 13: Production Decisions in the Short and Long Run.
Chapter 14: Competitive Market Equilibrium.
Chapter 15: The “Invisible Hand” and the First Welfare Theorem.
Chapter 16: General Equilibrium.
Chapter 17: Choice and Markets in the Presence of Risk.
Chapter 18: Elasticities, Price-Distorting Policies, and Non-Price Rationing.
Chapter 19: Distortionary Taxes and Subsidies.
Chapter 20: Prices and Distortions across Markets.
Chapter 21: Externalities in Competitive Markets.
Chapter 22: Asymmetric Information in Competitive Markets.
Chapter 23: Monopoly.
Chapter 24: Strategic Thinking and Game Theory.
Chapter 25: Oligopoly.
Chapter 26: Product Differentiation and Innovation in Markets.
Chapter 27: Public Goods.
Chapter 28: Governments and Politics.
Chapter 29: What Is Good? Challenges from Psychology and Philosophy.
Chapter 30: Balancing Government, Civil Society, and Markets.

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