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Complete downloadable Test Bank for MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows 7 (Exam # 70-680) 1st Edition by Wright. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: MCTS Guide to Microsoft Windows 7 (Exam # 70-680)
EDITION: 1st Edition
AUTHOR: Wright, Leon Plesniarski
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Introduction to Windows.
2. Installing Windows 7.
3. Using the System Utilities.
4. Managing Disks.
5. Managing File Systems.
6. User Management.
7. Windows 7 Security Features.
8. Networking.
9. Remote Access.
10. User Productivity and Media Tools.
11. Performance Tuning.
12. Application Support.
13. Disaster Recovery and Troubleshooting.
14. Enterprise Computing.

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