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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Marketing Strategy A Decision-Focused Approach 8th Edition by Walker. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Marketing Strategy A Decision-Focused Approach
EDITION: 8th Edition
AUTHOR: Walker, Mullins
PUBLISHER: McGraw Hill Higher Education

Table of content

Chapter 1: Market-Oriented Perspectives Underlie Successful Corporate, Business, and Marketing Strategies
Chapter 2: Corporate Strategy Decisions and Their Marketing Implications
Chapter 3: Business Strategies and Their Marketing Implications
Chapter 4: Understanding Market Opportunities
Chapter 5: Measuring Market Opportunities: Forecasting and Market Knowledge
Chapter 6: Targeting Attractive Market Segments
Chapter 7: Differentiation and Brand Positioning
Chapter 8: Marketing Strategies for New Market Entries
Chapter 9: Strategies for Growth Markets
Chapter 10: Strategies for Mature and Declining Markets
Chapter 11: Marketing Strategies for the New Economy
Chapter 12: Organizing and Planning for Effective Implementation
Chapter 13: Measuring and Delivering Marketing Performance

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