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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Marketing Research Methodological Foundation 10th Edition by Iacobucci. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Marketing Research Methodological Foundation
EDITION: 10th Edition
AUTHOR: Iacobucci, Churchill
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Marketing Research
2. Alternative Approaches to Marketing Intelligence.
3. The Research Process and Problem Formulation.
4. Research Design, Exploratory Research, and Qualitative Data.
5. Descriptive Research.
6. Casual Designs.
7. Data Collection: Secondary Data.
8. Data Collection: Primary Data.
9. Questionnaires and Data Collection Forms.
10. Attitude Measurement.
11. Sampling Procedures.
12. Determining Sample Size.
13. Field Procedures for Collecting the Data.
14. Preprocessing the Data, and Doing Cross-Tabs.
15. Data Analysis–Basic Questions.
16 Appendix. Quick Stats Review.
17. Are These Variables Related?
18. Multivariate Data Analysis.
19. The Research Report.

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