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TITLE: Marketing An Introduction
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Armstrong, Kotler
Table of content
1. Marketing
2. Company and Marketing Strategy
3. The Marketing Environment.
4. Managing Marketing Information.
5. Consumer and Business Buyer Behavior.
6. Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
7. Product, Services, and Branding Strategies.
8. New-Product Development and Product Life-Cycle Strategies.
9. Pricing Considerations and Strategies.
10. Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management.
11. Retailing and Wholesaling.
12. Integrated Marketing Communication
13. Integrated Marketing Communication
14. Marketing in the Digital Age.
15. The Global Marketplace.
16. Marketing and Society Appendix 1. Sample Marketing Plan.
Appendix 2. Video Cases (one per chapter).
Appendix 3. Marketing Arithmetic.
Appendix 4. Careers in Marketing.