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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Juvenile Justice An Introduction 7th Edition by Whitehead. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Juvenile Justice An Introduction
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Whitehead, Lab

Table of content

1. Introduction — The Definition and Extent of Delinquency
2. The History of Juvenile Justice
3. Explaining Delinquency — Biological and Psychological Approaches
4. Sociological Explanations of Delinquency
5. Gang Delinquency
6. Drugs and Delinquency
7. Policing and Juveniles
8. The Juvenile Court Process
9. Due Process and Juveniles
10. Institutional/Residential Interventions
11. Juvenile Probation and Community Corrections
12. Restorative Justice
13. The Victimization of Juveniles
14. Future Directions in Juvenile Justice

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