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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Justice Crime and Ethics 7th Edition by Braswell. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Justice Crime and Ethics
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Braswell, McCarthy, McCarthy
Table of content
1. Ethics, Crime, and Justice: An Introductory Note to Students
2. Utilitarian and Deontological Approaches to Criminal Justice Ethics
3. Peacemaking, Justice, and Ethics
4. How Police Officers Learn Ethics
5. Deception in Police Interrogation
6. Using Ethical Dilemmas in Training Police
7. Police Ethics, Legal Proselytism, and the Social Order: Paving the Path to Misconduct
8. Whatever Happened to Atticus Finch? Lawyers as Legal Advocates and Moral Agents
9. Prossecutor Misconduct
10. Criminal Sentencing: Goals, Practices, and Ethics
11. Crime and Punishment: Punishment Philosophies and Ethical Dilemmas
12. To Die or Not to Die: Morality, Ethics, and the Death Penalty
13. Ethical Issues in Probation, Parole, and Community Corrections
14. Restorative Justice and the Peacemaking Ethic
15. Keeping an Eye on the Keeper: Prison Corruption and Its Control
16. Ethics and Prison: Selected Issues
17. Crime and Justice Myths
18. The Ford Pinto Case and Beyond: Assessing Blame
19. Ethics and Criminal Justice Research
20. Terrorism and Justice
21. Criminal Justice: An Ethic for the Future