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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Introduction to Psychology 9th Edition by Plotnik. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Introduction to Psychology
EDITION: 9th Edition
AUTHOR: Plotnik, Kouyoumdjian
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Discovering Psychology.
2. Psychology and Science.
3. Brain’s Building Blocks.
4. Incredible Nervous System.
5. Sensation.
6. Perception.
7. Sleep and Dreams.
8. Hypnosis and Drugs.
9. Classical Conditioning.
10. Operant and Cognitive Approaches.
11. Types of Memory.
12. Remembering and Forgetting.
13. Intelligence.
14. Thought and Language.
15. Motivation.
16. Emotion.
17. Infancy and Childhood.
18. Adolescence and Adulthood.
19. Freudian and Humanistic Theories.
20. Social, Cognitive and Trait Theories.
21. Health, Stress and Coping.
22. Assessment and Anxiety Disorders.
23. Mood Disorder and Schizophrenia.
24. Therapies.
25. Social Psychology. Appendices

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