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Complete downloadable Test Bank for International Political Economy 5th Edition by Thomas Oatley. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: International Political Economy
EDITION: 5th Edition
AUTHOR: Thomas Oatley

Table of content

1. International Political Economy
2. The WTO and the World Trade System
3. The Political Economy of International Trade Cooperation
4. A Society-Centered Approach to the Politics of Trade
5. A State-Centered Approach to Trade Politics
6. Trade and Development I: Import Substitution Industrialization
7. Trade and Development II: Economic Reform
8. Multinational Corporations in the Global Economy
9. The Politics of Multinational Corporations
10. The International Monetary System
11. Contemporary International Monetary Arrangements
12. A Society-Centered Approach to Monetary and Exchange-Rate Policies
13. A State-Centered Approach to Monetary and Exchange-Rate Policies

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