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TITLE: International Business The New Realities
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Cavusgil, Knight, Riesenberger

Table of content

1. Introduction: What Is International Business?
2. Globalization of Markets and the Internationalization of the Firm
3. Organizational Participants That Make International Business Happen
4. The Cultural Environment of International Business
5. Ethics, Sustainability, and Corporate Social Responsibility in International Business
6. Theories of International Trade and Investment
7. Political and Legal Systems in National Environments
8. Government Intervention in International Business
9. Regional Economic Integration
10. Understanding Emerging Markets
11. The International Monetary and Financial Environment
12. Strategy and Organization in the International Firm
13. Global Market Opportunity Assessment
14. Exporting and Countertrade
15. Foreign Direct Investment and Collaborative Ventures
16. Licensing, Franchising, and Other Contractual Strategies
17. Global Sourcing
18. Marketing in the Global Firm
19. Human Resource Management in the Global Firm
20. Financial Management and Accounting in the Global Firm

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