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Complete downloadable Test Bank for International Business 13th Edition by Daniels. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: International Business
EDITION: 13th Edition
AUTHOR: Daniels, Radebaugh, Sullivan
Table of content
1. Globalization and International Business
2. The Cultural Environments Facing Business
3. The Political and Legal Environments Facing Business
4. The Economic Environments Facing Businesses
5. Globalization and Society
6. International Trade and Factor-Mobility Theory
7. Governmental Influence on Trade
8. Cross-National Cooperation and Agreements
9. Global Foreign-Exchange Markets
10. The Determination of Exchange Rates
11. The Strategy of International Business
12. Country Evaluation and Selection
13. Export and Import Strategies
14. Direct Investment and Collaborative Strategies
15. The Organization of International Business
16. Marketing Globally
17. Global Manufacturing and Supply Chain Management
18. International Accounting Issues
19. The Multinational Finance Function
20. Human Resource Management