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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Information Technology Auditing 4th Edition by Hall. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Information Technology Auditing
EDITION: 4th Edition
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Auditing, Assurance, and Internal Control.
2. IT Governance.
3. System Security I–Networks and Operating Systems.
4. System Security II–Data Management.
5. Systems Development and Program Change Procedures.
6. Overview of Transaction Processing and financial Reporting Systems.
7. Computer-Assisted Audit Tools and Techniques.
8. CAATTs for Data Extraction and Analysis.
9. Application Controls and Substantive Testing I–The Revenue Cycle.
10. Application Controls and Substantive Testing II–The Expenditure Cycle.
11. Enterprise Resource Planning Systems.
12. Ethics, Fraud Schemes and Fraud Detection.

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