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Complete downloadable Test Bank for HIST US History Since 1865 Volume 2 3rd Edition by Schultz. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: HIST US History Since 1865 Volume 2
EDITION: 3rd Edition
AUTHOR: Schultz
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

16. Reconstruction, 1865-1877.
17. The Industrial Revolution.
18. The Industrial Age: North, South, and West.
19. The Progressive Era.
20. Becoming a World Power.
21. Prosperity and Change in the Twenties.
22. The Great Depression and the New Deal.
23. World War II.
24. Cold War America.
25. The Sixties.
26. The Age of Fracture: The 1970s.
27. Reagan’s America.
28. America in the Information Age.
29. Globalization and Its Discontents.

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