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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Health Psychology An Introduction to Behavior and Health 7th Edition by Brannon. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Health Psychology An Introduction to Behavior and Health
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Brannon, Feist
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Introducing Health Psychology.
2. Conducting Health Research.
3. Seeking Health Care.
4. Adhering to Medical Advice.
5. Defining, Measuring, and Managing Stress.
6. Understanding Stress and Disease.
7. Understanding and Managing Pain.
8. Considering Alternative Approaches.
9. Behavioral Factors in Cardiovascular Disease.
10. Behavioral Factors in Cancer.
11. Living With Chronic Illness.
12. Smoking Tobacco.
13. Using Alcohol and Other Drugs.
14. Eating and Weight.
15. Exercising.
16. Future Challenges.

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