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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Exploring Marketing Research 10th Edition by Zikmund. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Exploring Marketing Research
EDITION: 10th Edition
AUTHOR: Zikmund, Babin
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning
Table of content
1. The Role of Marketing Research.
2. Information Systems and Knowledge Management.
3. The Marketing Research Process.
4. The Human Side of Marketing Research
5. Problem Definition: Jump-Starting the Research Process.
6. Qualitative Research Tools.
7. Secondary Data Research in a Digital Age.
8. Survey Research: An Overview.
9. Survey Research: Basic Methods of Communication with Respondents.
10. Observation.
11. Experimental Research: An Overview.
12. Test-Markets and Experimental Design.
13. Measurement.
14. Attitude Measurement.
15. Questionnaire Design.
16. Sampling Designs and Sampling Procedures.
17. Determination of Sample Size: A Review of Statistical Theory.
18. Fieldwork.
19. Editing and Coding: Transforming Raw Data into Information.
20. Basic Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics.
21. Univariate Statistical Analysis.
22. Bivariate Statistical Analysis: Differences Between Two Variables.
23. Bivariate Statistical Analysis: Measures of Association.
24. Introducing Multivariate Statistical Analysis.
25. Communicating Research Results: Research Report, Oral Presentation, and Research Follow-Up. Appendices