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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Essentials of Corrections 4th Edition by Mays. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Essentials of Corrections
EDITION: 4th Edition
AUTHOR: Mays, Winfree
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Introduction to Corrections.
2. A Brief History of Punishment and Corrections
3. Sentencing and Criminal Sanctions.
4. Probation and Community Corrections
5. Jails and Detention Facilities.
6. Institutional Corrections.
7. Jail and Prison Inmates.
8. Parole and Prisoner Reentry.
9. Careers in Corrections.
10. The Administration of Corrections Programs.
11. Corrections Law and Inmate Litigation.
12. Gender Issues in Corrections.
13. Race, Ethnicity, and Corrections.
14. The Future of Corrections.

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