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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Educational Research An Introduction 8th Edition by Gall. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Educational Research An Introduction
EDITION: 8th Edition
AUTHOR: Gall, Borg
Table of content
1. The Nature of Educational Research
2. The Research Process: From Proposal to Final Report
3. Ethics and Site Relations
4. Reviewing the Literature
5. Statistical Techniques
6. Selecting a Sample
7. Collecting Research Data with Tests and Self-Report Measures
8. Collecting Research Data with Questionnaires and Interviews
9. Collecting Research Data through Observation and Content Analysis
10. Nonexperimental Research: Descriptive and Causal-Comparative Designs
11. Nonexperimental Research: Correlational Designs
12. Experiment Research: Designs, Part 1
13. Experimental Research: Designs, Part 2
14. Case Study Research
15. Qualitative Research Traditions
16. Historical Research
17. Evaluation Research
18. Action Research