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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Cultural Anthropology 7th Edition by Harris. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Cultural Anthropology
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Harris, Johnson

Table of content

1. Introduction.
2. The Nature of Culture.
3. The Evolution of the Capacity for Culture.
4. Language and Culture.
5. Production.
6. Reproduction.
7. Economic Organization.
8. Domestic Life.
9. Descent, Locality, and Kinship.
10. Law, Order, and War in Nonstate Societies.
11. Origins of Chiefdoms and the State.
12. Class and Caste.
13. Ethnicity, Race, and Racism.
14. Sex and Gender Hierarchies.
15. Psychological Anthropology.
16. Religion.
17. Art.
18. Applied Anthropology.
19. Globalization.

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