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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Criminal Justice in Action The Core 7th Edition by Gaines. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Criminal Justice in Action The Core
EDITION: 7th Edition
AUTHOR: Gaines, Miller
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1. Criminal Justice Today.
2. Measuring and Explaining Crime.
3. Inside Criminal Law.
4. Law Enforcement Today.
5. Problems and Solutions in Modern Policing.
6. Police and the Constitution—The Rules of Law Enforcement.
7. Courts and the Quest for Justice.
8. Pretrial Procedures and the Criminal Trial.
9. Punishment and Sentencing
10. Probation and Intermediate Sanctions.
11. Prisons and Jails.
12. The Prison Experience and Prisoner Reentry.
13. The Juvenile Justice System.
14. Today’s Challenges in Criminal Justice.

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