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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Criminal Investigation 9th Edition by Hess. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Criminal Investigation
EDITION: 9th Edition
AUTHOR: Hess, Orthmann
PUBLISHER: Cengage Learning

Table of content

1.Criminal Investigation: An Overview.
2.Documenting the Crime Scene: Note Taking, Photographing and Sketching.
3.Writing Effective Reports.
5.Forensics/Physical Evidence.
6.Obtaining Information and Intelligence.
7.Identifying and Arresting Suspects.
8.Death Investigations.
9.Assault, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Elder Abuse.
10.Sex Offenses.
11.Crimes against Children.
14.Larceny/Theft, Fraud and White-Collar Crime.
15.Motor Vehicle Theft.
16.Arson, Bombs and Explosives.
17. Computer Crime.
18. A Dual Threat: Drug-Related Crime and Organized Crime.
19. Criminal Activities of Gangs and Other Dangerous Groups.
20.Terrorism and Homeland Security.
21.Preparing for and Presenting Cases in Court. Appendcies

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