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Complete downloadable Test Bank for Crime Control in America What Works 2nd Edition by Worrall. INSTRUCTOR RESOURCE INFORMATION
TITLE: Crime Control in America What Works
EDITION: 2nd Edition
AUTHOR: Worrall

Table of content

1. Identifying and Evaluating Crime Control.
2. Crime Control Perspectives.
3. Traditional Policing.
4. Proactive Policing, Directed Control and other Advancements
5. Community Involvement in Policing.
6. Prosecutors and Crime Control.
7. Crime Control Though Legislation.
8. Crime Control in the Courts and Beyond.
9. Sentencing.
10. Probation, Parole, and Intermediate
11. Rehabilitation, Treatment, and Job Training.
12. Individual, Family, and Household Crime
13. Crime Control in the community and school
14. Reducing Criminal Opportunities Through Environmental Manipulation.
15. Juvenile Crime Control.
16. Putting It All Together, Explaining Crime Trends.

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